Robotics and Learning
Last Edited: August 22, 2022 10:53 AM
Only read on if you are using ros-kinetic
on Ubuntu 16.04. If you are using this setup, my first suggestion is to upgrade the setup to better LTS versions. But I get how Robotics stacks work, you don’t wanna touch the setup because it is working!!
ROS1 runs only on python 2. Which means that when you install ros
python related packages, they are only symlinked with python2 because they are built for ptyhon2. This has to be the single biggest reason why ROS2 needs to be adopted quickly.
Enter roslibpy
This is a rosbridge library that connects to rosmaster via a bridge node. Your standalone non-ros code (in this case some python3 deep learning ) speaks to the bridge, and the bridge speaks to the roscore